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Oliver Kahnの直筆サイン入り写真 (2 / 4ページ):

Oliver Kahn success - 2016年9月3日
I sent an email to: { Email Address } on.07.02.2016 I received signed autograph card on 02.09.2016 Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures __________________________________________ [size=150:Check my blog:http://www.bitta-autograph.blogspot.hu[/size:

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Oliver Kahn - 2016年6月13日
Oliver Kahn January 4, 2016 A legendary autograph i received by email. I have sent to 2 different emails and got 2 letters from him in the same day. He is one the greatest goalkeepers of all time. He won eight Bundesliga titles, six DFB-Pokals, the UEFA Cup in 1996, the UEFA Champions League and the Intercontinental Cup. He won individually the UEFA Best European Goalkeeper awards, as well as three IFFHS World's Best Goalkeeper awards, the first world cup golden ball, and two German Footballer of the Year trophies. A great success from one of the greatest goalkeepers of all time. Via: Email Waited Time: N/a Received: 04.01.16 Sent: N/a Dedication: No picture: or

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Oliver Kahn SUCCESS - 2016年2月8日
Hi, I got an autograph Oliver Kahn, German legend and Bayern Munich <img src= I sent him e-mail I waited a month In response, I received signed photo of Oliver Kahn <img src= ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I sent an email to: { Email Address } Autograph can also get by writing to the following address: Titaneon Media AG Oskar-Schlemmer-Straße 11 D - 80807 München Germany [germany<!-- s[germany --> 

Picture: <!-- m --><a class=http://sportowe-souvenirs.blogspot.com/ ... -kahn.html ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Welcome to my blog: http://sportowe-souvenirs.blogspot.com/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/SportsSouvenirs Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sports_souvenirs/ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Oliver Kahn Email Succsess - 2014年12月23日
I receive the below success. Email sent second week in December and receive back W/C 22nd December 2014 Address: http://www.oliver-kahn.de/ Photo: Please take a look at my page for other success and message me if would like any address. https://www.facebook.com/guysautographs

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Oliver Kahn Email success.. - 2014年11月28日
Oliver Kahn Email success… http://www.oliver-kahn.de/ See it here:

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