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Oliver Kahnの直筆サイン入り写真 (4 / 4ページ):

Oliver Kahn Success!!! - 2014年1月11日
Today I get something back from Oliver Kahn I sent on 06.01.2014 LOR and SASE to Oliver Kahn ZDF Zuschauerredaktion 55100 Mainz Germany And received today a signed card Photo: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid ... =1&theater Photo with Envelope - Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures Some Information about him: Oliver Rolf Kahn, nicknamed Der Titan, is a former German football goalkeeper. He started his career in the Karlsruher SC Junior team in 1975. Twelve years later, Kahn made his debut match in the professional squad. In 1994, he was transferred to Bayern Munich for the fee of DM4.6 million, where he played until the end of his career in 2008.

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Oliver Kahn success!!!!!! - 2013年9月10日
Sent: email 4 months ago!!! Received: today What I got: promo card The promo card I got...https://m.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=660219514003377&id=446007428757921&set=a.655930607765601.1073741827.446007428757921&source=46&__user=100002102680730 - The envelope is in the background!! Could you please like my page too!!! Because it means a lot!!! Regards Tom

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Oliver Kahn Success! - 2013年4月17日
Sent email to info at titaneon.de on February the 11th. Got a signed photo today, April the 17th! <img src= Return address: Titaneon Media AG Oskar-Schlemmer-Strasse 11 D-80807 München Deutschland -

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Oliver Kahn (former german soccer player) - 2013年2月11日
Hey. I used the address info at titaneon.de and it took a month. Im really happy because hes one of the best german soccer players ever!!!! Photo+ Envelope: - <img src= <img src= [germany<!-- s[germany --></td><tr><td style=

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