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Paul Molitorの直筆サイン入り写真 (2 / 3ページ):

Paul Molitor (Minnesota Twins) - 2014年3月30日
Address used: 14100 Six Mile Cypress Parkway Ft. Myers, FL 33912 This is the spring training address. Sent: 2-19-14 Received: 3-28-14

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Paul Molitor SUCCESS!!! (Minnesota Twins) - 2013年6月6日
Address used: Paul Molitor c/o Minnesota Twins 1 Twins Way Minneapolis, MN 55403 Items sent: LOR, SASE, 8x10 photo Received: My 8x10 photo signed (with "93 W.S. MVP" + "HOF 04" inscriptions) Date sent: August 7, 2012 Received: June 5, 2013 PHOTO: -

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Paul Molitor (Minnesota Twins) success! - 2012年11月20日
On 6/25/12, I sent a card, LOR, and SASE to the Hall of Famer at: Paul Molitor c/o Minnesota Twins 1 Twins Way Minneapolis, MN 55403 On 11/19/12 I received my card signed in thin blue sharpie! Sorry, no scan. He's a special assistant for the Twins, so not sure if he'll be signing right now since it's not baseball season...

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Paul Molitor (Minnesota Twins) Success - 2012年4月19日
On 12-15-11, I sent a LOR, baseball card, and what I thought was a SASE to Paul Molitor at : Paul Molitor C/O Minnesota Twins Target Field 1 Twins Way Minneapolis, MN 55403 On 4-18-12, I was surprised to find a letter with my handwriting on it in my mail box with no stamp on it. In it, contained the 1987 Leaf Molitor card I sent back in December signed. I don't know if I was drunk when I wrote the letter and forgot to put a stamp on my "SASE", or if it fell off somehow, but nevertheless, somehow my card made its way back to my house; arriving with no stamp on the return envelope. Great succes. I got lucky on this one.

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Paul Molitor Success!!!! HOF 2004 BASEBALL (Minnesota Twins) - 2012年4月6日
[youtubeW9aKAGgv5BM[/youtube c/o Minnesota Twins Hammond Stadium 14100 Six Mile Cypress Parkway Fort Myers, FL 33912 USA Seasonal Address Address Details Type: Sports Team Comment: Spring Training Success (45 Days) 2012/02/21 2012/04/06 Comment: Autograph: 1/1 signed

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