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Paul Molitorの直筆サイン入り写真 (3 / 3ページ):

Paul Molitor Success - 2011年10月24日
Hey all, On 6-30-11 I sent a LOR and 8x10 photo to Paul Molitor c/o the Twins and today, 10-24-11 I received the photo back signed!! I had first sent c/o the HOF and received a letter from his agency saying they could not forward him his mail. I then sent to the Twins and it worked. A word of caution to others, Ive been trying to get him TTM since he retired, and this is the first success Ive had since then. I have lost items sent to him so I wouldnt recommend sending to him unless you are willing to take the risk of loosing the item. Hopefully this means he will be signing more ttm, but either way, I couldnt be any happier with this autograph, he is a favorite of mine! Paul Molitor 1 Twins Way Minneapolis, Minnesota 55403 -

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Paul Molitor RTS - 2011年9月29日
On 2-24-11, I sent a LOR, SASE, and baseball card to Paul Molitor at : Paul Molitor C/O Minnesota Twins Spring Training Lee County Sports Complex William Hammond Stadium 14100 Six Mile Cypress Parkway Fort Myers, FL 33912 On 9-28-11, I received my letter back stamped, "RTS-REFUSED."

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