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Priscilla Presleyの直筆サイン入り写真 (2 / 6ページ):

Priscilla Presley Responds to Fan Mail, Signs Autographs For Fan - 2023年7月12日
Priscilla Presley responded to my fan mail and the signature looks good to me! [youtubef_3XIsizkBY[/youtube

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Priscilla Presley Autograph (with a sad news) - 2021年2月19日
I sent a letter to Priscilla Presley in 27th December 2019 and and received a response coincidentally on my birthday, 31st January 2020. Too bad two of the photographs ended up debuting a little along the way due to humidity. Unfortunately, I was only now able to publish my feedback here because I didn't know how to do it. I send my letter to: Priscilla Presley 1167 Summit Dr Beverly Hills, CA 90210-2251 USA Unfortunately, this address is no longer Priscilla's address because she sold the house, as we see here in the news () and it is not yet known what is her new address. I heard this news because, after this letter, I tried to send two more a short time ago and none had a response. So I looked it up and saw that she had sold the house. So this is no longer Priscilla's fan address until we know her new address.

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Priscilla Presley DNS - 2019年10月3日
Priscilla Presley DNS Sent 6/26/19 Returned Unsigned 9/19/19 Did not sign Baseball with a note stating Ms. Presley is overwhelmed with a lot of fanmail and cannot sign for now. Addy Used: 1167 Summit Dr Beverly Hills, CA 90210 http://surfmypictures.com/image/082bd3e09c44c4b0/cjfrc.html

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Priscilla Presley Success - 2019年6月22日
Sent 2 x 6x4 to Priscilla Presley, and received them today back signed. I used the address below. 1167 Summit Drive Beverly Hills CA 90210-2251 USA Photo available here - http://surfmypictures.com/image/25f3ad89acc11acd/hcjig.html

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Priscilla Presley - 2017年8月2日
Priscilla Ann Presley (née Wagner; born May 24, 1945) is an American actress and business magnate. She is the former wife of the late entertainer Elvis Presley as well as co-founder and former chairwoman of Elvis Presley Enterprises (EPE), the company that turned Graceland into one of the top tourist attractions in the United States. In her acting career, Presley starred with Leslie Nielsen in the three successful Naked Gun films, and played the role of Jenna Wade on the long-running television series Dallas. Sent Ms Presley her book Elvis And Me on 5 Nov 2016 and got it back signed on 2 Aug 2017.. Was very surprised that it showed up .. she did dedicate it to my friend that I had requested she do.. also put... All The Best To You... and a smiley face.. Ms. Priscilla Presley 1167 Summit Dr Beverly Hills, CA 90210-2251

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