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Priscilla Presleyの直筆サイン入り写真 (4 / 6ページ):

Priscilla Presley Succes (Dallas & The Naked Gun) - 2013年6月23日
Sent on 03/22/2013: LOR, 2 photos & SAE To: Priscilla Presley 1167 Summit Dr Beverly Hills, CA 90210-2251 USA Recieved on 06/22/2013: 2 photos (1 of my photos and one Ms.Presley enclosed) personalized and signed + a piece of card board in my SAE. Return: PO Box 17838 Beverly Hills, CA 90209 [us<!-- s[us --> 

My photo:
<!-- Image --> - <!-- Image -->
Photo Ms.Presley enclosed:
<!-- Image --> - <!-- Image -->
Envelope + Cardboard:
<!-- Image --> - <!-- Image --></td><tr><td style=

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Priscilla presley succes x 3 - 2013年5月6日
- Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures hello !!! i send 1 letter, post, 1 envelope + 3 photos. 24-11-2012 receive all signed 5-4-2013 priscilla presley 1167 summit drive beverly hills , ca 90210 usa thanks fanmail ! <img src= <img src=

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Priscilla PRESLEY SUCCESS! - 2012年10月31日
Priscilla Presley Address used: Priscilla Presley 1167 Summit Dr. Beverly Hills, CA 90210-2251 USA Sent: Aug. 07 2012 - LOR, SASE, 2 pictures Received: Oct. 16 2012 - Both pictures signed & personalized in my SASE! Scans: - - What a great success!! After I saw a couple of answers from Priscilla Presley on Fanmail.biz, I decided to write her a letter this summer. I was secretly planning a birthday surprise for a friend, so I asked her to sign a picture for my friend as well. She did - which is absolutely amazing!! The friends birthday is next week and I cant wait for him to give it to him as he is a huge Elvis fan!! <img src= Priscilla did personalize both photos, and I really cant thank her enough for replying to me!! [up Comments are very welcome! ? Judy89

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Priscilla Presley success - 2012年8月15日
Sent: SASE, LOR, 4 photos 16.07.2012 Received: our 3 photos signed + 1 extra photo signed 14.08.2012 Address used: Priscilla Presley 1167 Summit Dr Beverly Hills, CA 90210-2251 USA - - - - -

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Priscilla Presley SUCCESS! - 2012年6月27日
I meant to do this so much sooner. On March 26, 2012, I sent a LOR and SASE to Priscilla Presley and, on June 14th 2012, I received back the photograph that I mailed her. I honestly cannot tell you how much this means to me. I idolize Priscilla and to now have an autograph personalized to me... no words! I would love to have her sign some other pictures, but I don't want to overstep any boundaries. This autograph could not have come at a better time, too as I had just recently lost my Grandpa on June 6th. This did a lot to help me feel better. Many thanks to the lovely Priscilla. Address used: 1167 Summit Dr Beverly Hills, CA 90210 http://i50.tinypic.com/mvkmkp.png http://i47.tinypic.com/1zqeo7m.png "To Mandy - Thank you for your very nice letter All my best, Priscilla Presley"

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