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Rita Oraの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 3ページ):

Rita Ora sent to former home but was redirected? success? - 2014年10月29日
I sent a letter and SAE to Rita on: date I will add later and yesterday i recieved this signed tattoo transfer from 'her'? Any options would be greatly accepted. <img src= on the back of my SAE its says mail redirected, moved to another add. address I used was: Rita Ora, address removed Here are the pics:

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Rita Ora Success - 2014年2月15日
Sent a letter and an SASE to the address in the database 3 weeks ago. Today I received a signed CD card in the post. Check out my website: http://www.ryansautographs.weebly.com/

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Rita Ora Success :) - 2013年5月17日
Heey <img src= I sent Rita Ora an LOR, SASE & 2 Photos May 7th 2013, and I received my 2 photos back signed in my SASE May 16th 2013 <img src= Address used, Turn First Artists, Grove Studios, Adie Road, London, W6 0PW UK. Photo 1 - - Photo 2 - - Envelope - -

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Rita Ora Success! - 2013年4月8日
I sent Rita a letter along with me album booklet and after checking the website fans have been told to include a stamp and an addressed envelope which i did i used the address in the database and received my booklet back this morning! I sent the letter on the 2nd of April the envelope was torn in the post so i cannot include it in the picture really happy with this success! -

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RITA ORA - 2012年12月27日
Sent: 06.12.2012 LOR, SASE Rec: 27.12.2012 autograph in my sase address: Rita Ora Turn First Artists Grove Studios Adie Road London W6 0PW UK photos: - -

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