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Robert Duvallの直筆サイン入り写真 (4 / 8ページ):

robert duvall succes - 2015年5月1日
hello robert duvall succes P.O BOX 520 THE PLAINS, VA 2198- 0520 USA send 18-3-14 30-4-15 received. thanks !!

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Robert Duvall Success - 2014年8月24日
Sent 2 pictures + 1 dvd cover, sae, lor, US dollars for return postage, sent Jun 12/ 2013 received May 20 2014, signed all 3 , used address in database, Robert Duvall P.O. Box 520 The Plains, VA 20198-0520 USA

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Robert Duvall success - 2014年5月24日
I sent my request in January 2013 : SASE, 3 pictures. Received my pictures signed today, he added another picture !!! Love Mr Duvall <img src= <img src= One of my fav actors. Used the address in the database. Robert Duvall P.O. Box 520 The Plains, VA 20198-0520 USA - - - -

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Robert Duvall Success - 2013年10月4日
Sent: LOR, 3 photos and SASE on 3/9/13 Received: 3 photos signed on 10/4/13 Address used: Robert Duvall P.O. Box 520 The Plains, VA 20198-0520 -

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Robert Duvall (1 year in the making) SUCCESS - 2013年9月27日
- sent LOR, SASE, and photo to address in database 9/2012 received personalized photo 9/2013. A year in the making. Robert Duvall P.O. Box 520 The Plains, VA 20198-0520 USA

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フィードバック (5分毎に更新した):

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Glenn Close Success



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