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Robert Duvallの直筆サイン入り写真 (6 / 8ページ):

Robert Duvall success. - 2012年6月25日
Around this time last year I sent Robert Duvall a LOR, my 'Falling Down' DVD cover a SAE and two IRCs and on Saturday I received my DVD cover back signed. I can't remember exactly when I sent the request out as in the process of moving house I lost the postal receipt but it was definitely in June last year. I am very happy with this success. Below are scans of the envelope and the autograph. [u Signed DVD cover[/u [u Envelope[/u The address I sent to was: Robert Duvall P.O. Box 520 The Plains, VA 20198-0520 USA

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Robert Duvall SUCCESS! - 2012年6月19日
On 3/12/12, I wrote famed American actor Robert Duvall with a TTM autograph request, enclosing a single 3x5 card for signing and an SSAE. On 6/18/12, I received my SSAE in the mail, with no response. Today, 6/19/12, I received a color 8x10 signed by Mr. Duvall. WHAT A PLEASANT SURPRISE! Address used is below and is in the fanmail.biz database. Robert Duvall P.O. Box 520 The Plains, VA 20198-0520

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Robert Duvall Success - 2012年3月18日
Sent Robert a letter,3 pics,sase to the address in the database.Received all 3 signed. I love the Colors one he signed in blue. <img src= As always opinions on authenticity are welcome. Sent..17.10.11 Received..13.3.12 Picture 1..http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/407/rd3.jpg/ Picture 2..http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/405/rd2v.jpg/ Picture 3..http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/268/rd1k.jpg/ No Envelope.

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Robert Duvall Success - 2012年3月18日
I sent a LOR, SAE and one photo to Robert Duvall. He send me my photo signed and another photo signed too. Sent: SAE, LOR, 1 photo (in september or october, I dont remember) Received: 2 photos signed 13/03/2012 Address used: Robert Duvall P.O. Box 520 The Plains, VA 20198-0520 USA Photo that I sent to him: - Photo that he sent me: - Enveloped: -

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Robert Duvall success - 2012年3月14日
Sent: SASE, LOR, 4 photos 24.11.2011 Received: our 4 photos signed 13.03.2012 Address used: Robert Duvall P.O. Box 520 The Plains, VA 20198-0520 USA - - - - -

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