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Roger Federerの直筆サイン入り写真 (12 / 18ページ):

Roger Federer Success - 2013年4月25日
Sent a photo to the address provided in fanmail on April 2. Received great signed card two weeks later. My picture that I sent was signed, too. Here is the picture. Does the autograph look real? - Here is another one that I received last year. -

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Roger Federer success - 2013年4月12日
Sent: The end of Feb 2013 (LOR, SAE, IRC) Received: 12/4/2013 (a signed postcard) Any comments on authenticity? Its a signed postcard from Rolex;)) -

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Roger Federer - 2013年4月4日
Sent about 2 months ago with SAE and $2 Got a signed photo today. Comments on authenticity are welcomed. Sorry no scan of envelope -

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Roger Federer PP - 2013年3月11日
Hey all, Sent: e-mail on 25th February 2013, requested a personalized photo for my mom Received: 2 preprinted photo and a handwritten letter, it says they sorry, but they couldnt sends a personalized photo for my mom and wishing a happy birthday for her. Even though they are PPs, my mom is so happy and take one of them on the fridge! <img src= I know Roger sends out pre-signed authentics TTM, but I wanna a personalized one. I should try. Photos: http://norasautographs.blogspot.com/2013/03/roger-federer-autograph.html - -

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Roger Federer Succes !!!! - 2013年3月8日
Sent to Roger Federer LOR and SAE and back to me singed photo !!!! . im waited 2 weeks !!!!!!! ADDRESS Roger Federer Postfach CH-4103 Bottmingen Switzerland -

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