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Roger Federerの直筆サイン入り写真 (17 / 18ページ):

Roger Federer success! - 2012年2月17日
hi sent: 8.2.12 (SAE, LOR) received: 17.2.12 (my SAE, a signed photo) address was: Roger Federer Postfach 4130 Bottmingen Schweitz autograph: envelope: do you think it is authentic?

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Roger Federer email success. (PP) - 2012年2月13日
Sent: via jura website contact form. i sent about 3 times. Received: Feb. 8th. 4 beautiful PPs Though its PP, I like it very much! The pics are great and Roger looks so handsome! <img src= <img src= And Im gonna send him LOR soon! and heres the pics -

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Roger Federer Success - 2012年2月13日

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Roger Federer Success! - 2012年2月7日
I saw on Rogers official website that were able to get pre-signed autograph cards if we pay the postage. So I gave it a try and got this today! So Happy! Roger has been my favourite tennis player and hes the BEST! ForeveR <img src= <img src= Sent: LOR,SAE,IRC on 30th January,2012 Recieved: Signed Autograph Card in my SAE with a swiss Federer stamp on 7th February,2012 Address Used: R. Federer Postfach 4103 Bottmingen SWITZERLAND Autograph Card: - Back of the Card: - Stamp: - Envelope: -

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Roger Federer Success - 2011年11月1日
Got my Roger Federer autograph in the mail yesterday. It arrived incredibly fast, and I got my autograph only 4 days after I sent my letter!! I also live in Switzerland though, and so it only takes one day for the letter to arrive. I sent him a letter with with me saying how much i love him and asking for an autograph and I also sent a SASE. My friend and I both sent letters and the autographs are slightly different, so they are obviously not preprints or anything like that. I just wonder whether they are authentic or secretarial, like whether he actually signed it or someone signed it thats working for him. Anyone know? Anyways, here are the pictures: The photo: Close up of autograph: Comparing me and my friend's autographs:

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