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Russell Brandの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 3ページ):

Russell Brand success!! - 2015年7月23日
Sent: 15/07/2015 E-mail Recieved: 23/07/2015 Signed photo by Russell Brand.

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Russell Brand - 2015年7月15日
Sent Rolling Stone Magazine, LOR and SASE to John Noel Management Bloc B Imperial Works Perren St London UK NW53ED on May 26 Received back signed on July 15th

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Russell Brand strange Success with money?! Authentic? - 2015年7月14日
sent: LOR, SAE, 1 $, 3 photos - May 2013 received: all photos signed, 2 of them personalized, and 2 $ (???) - July 14 2015 Address: Russell Brand John Noel Management Block B Imperial Works Perren Street London, NW5 3ED UK photos: http://surfmypictures.com/image/5c9fbb2 ... 971s0.html http://surfmypictures.com/image/5c9fbb2 ... pyvrq.html http://surfmypictures.com/image/5c9fbb2 ... sh51g.html envelope: http://surfmypictures.com/image/5c9fbb2 ... k82hc.html What do you think? Is it authentic or fake? I sent him 1 $ instead of a stamp and I received 2 $ in the envelope. Do you have any idea why?

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Russell Brand Success - 2014年2月8日
Sorry its a bit late. Sent to the address in the database on the 9/1/2014 and recieved this back two weeks later. Very Quick success! Russell Brand John Noel Management Block B Imperial Works Perren Street London, NW5 3ED UK Uploaded with

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Russell Brand Sec - 2013年8月14日
Sent: 26.07.13 - LOR, SASE Received: 14.08.13 - two tiny (3x5) pictures WITH FAKE SIGNATURES Total: 18 days and a waste of cash Russell Brand John Noel Management, Block B, Imperial Works, Perren Street, London, NW5 3ED UK DONT WASTE YOUR MONEY ON THIS ONE - Envelope: http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q206 ... img467.jpg

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