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Russell Brandの直筆サイン入り写真 (2 / 3ページ):

Russell Brand TTM success - 2013年8月6日
Fab pre-signed Russell Brand TTM success - I think it is real Any comments on authenticity welcome. Sent to the address in the database Sent: LOR and SASE on Monday 29th July Receive: LOR back and a signed card in my SASE Friday 2nd August Very happy as I have wanted his autograph for a while. Very fast turnover. I am unsure if would sign other items anymore though? Link to photo below: http://surfmypictures.com/image/fea2c76 ... ef4e9.html - Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures

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Russell Brand success and failure - 2013年7月15日
I sent 2 photos, letter and SAE to Russell on: 8th July 2013, and today I recieved my photos back unsigned, with my letter sent back, included also was a signed photo, better than nothing though <img src= address I used was: Russell Brand, c/o John Noel Management, Block B, Imperial Works, Perren Street, London NW5 3ED Here are the pics: - - -

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Russell Brand Success :) - 2013年5月7日
Heey <img src= I Sent Russell an LOR & SASE on April 25th 2013 and I received a signed photo back in my SASE <img src= Address used, John Noel Management, Block B, Imperial Works, Perren Street, London, NW5 3ED UK. Photo - - Envelope - -

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Russell Brand Success - 2013年4月19日
Hello <img src= Sent- LOR and SASE Where- John Noel Management When- 23/1/13 Received- Today, a a4 sized signed picture -

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Russell Brand Success - 2012年2月23日
December 21st 2011: Sent LOR, SAE and 1 Photo to Russell. February 23rd 2012: Received the Photo back signed in the SAE I sent. Picture: http://parautographs.webs.com/apps/phot ... =149960547 Envelope: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/59 ... 31224.jpg/

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