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San Francisco Giantsの直筆サイン入り写真 (16 / 22ページ):

Will Clark SUCCESS! (San Francisco Giants) - 2013年2月23日
- Sent Mr.Clark on Jan 29, sent letter card aand sase to: C/o San Francisco Giants 24 Willie Mays Plaza San Francisco, CA 94107 Received back today (Feb 23) signed! Post from Louisiana.

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Ryan Vogelsong success! (San Francisco Giants) - 2013年1月29日
On 6/28/12 I sent a card, letter, and SASE to the Giants pitcher at: Ryan Vogelsong c/o San Francisco Giants 24 Willie Mays Plaza San Francisco CA 64107-2134 On 1/25/13, I received my card back, signed in black sharpie. Sorry, no scan!

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San Francisco Giants pitcher Matt Cain success - 2012年9月15日
Sent letter, photo, and large SASE on 8/24/12 to: Matt Cain San Francisco Giants AT&T Park 24 Willie Mays Plaza San Francisco CA 94107 rcvd photo back signed on 9/12/12 sorry my scanner is down

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Will Clark (San Francisco Giants) - 2012年8月23日
Mailed: 07/24/12 Recvd: 08/23/12 Items: 1 card Will Clark c/o San Francisco Giants 24 Willie Mays Plaza San Francisco, CA 94107 -

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Will Clark Success(San Francisco Giants Great) - 2012年8月21日
On july 18th I sent a sweet spot classics card to mr clark.I received my card back signed 33 days later in blue sharpie! Nice success from an oldie but a goodie! Used giants addy in database but postmarked from his home in Louisiana

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フィードバック (5分毎に更新した):

Exciting Partnership Announcement: Spongebob Squarepants At Amc Theatres
Exciting Partnership Announcement: Spongebob Squarepants At Amc Theatres
Hi Everyone!
Nancy Kovack- Sweet Success!!
Nfl Brandon Peters Fail / Rts
Tommy Chong Actor Success
Eric Brewer Nhl Success (Prince George Cougars)
Kevin Bacon
Sallie Harmsen Fast Success!
Sid Bream Baseball $$$



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