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San Francisco Giantsの直筆サイン入り写真 (17 / 22ページ):

Will Clark San Francisco Giants... - 2012年8月2日
Will Clark, Baseball Player Retired, Giants, Rangers. Sent: 6/4/12, Rec: 8/1/12,… 58 days. Sent LOR, Cover (8x10), SASE to: Will Clark San Francisco Giants 24 Willie Mays Dr. San Francisco, CA 94107 Got back my cover signed and personalized with the message “Go Giants!”. Really happy to get this back, one of my favorite ballplayers. It came with 2 creases as I should’ve written please do not bend, photos, on the envelope and the one time I forget is the one time they crease the hell out of it. <img src= " title="Rolling Eyes" /> My bad. Thanks Fanmail.biz and Mr. Clark! - -

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Will "The Thrill" Clark (Former San Francisco Giants) - 2012年7月31日
Sent Will Clark a card, LOR, and SASE. Got it back a few days ago. A great signature from a great player. You can see photos and a full write up at my blog. http://collectorscrack.blogspot.com/2012/07/ttm-success-will-thrill-clark.html TTM Stats Date Sent: 6/18/12 Date Received: 7/29/12 Address used: Will Clark c/o San Fransisco Giants 24 Willie Mays Plaza San Fransisco, CA 94107

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Will Clark success (San Francisco giants) - 2012年7月28日
Sent LOR, sase, and 87 Topps to will Clark around late may/early June and got it back 7-27 Used San Francisco giants address

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Will Clark (San Francisco Giants) - 2012年6月14日
Mailed: 06/01/12 Recvd: 06/14/12 Item: 1 card Will Clark c/o San Francisco Giants 24 Willie Mays Plaza San Francisco, CA 94107 -

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Angel Pagan MLB (San Francisco Giants) - 2012年6月9日
Sent 1 Baseball Card, LOR and SASE: May 23rd 2012 Received Card back signed in my SASE: June 9th 2012 San Francisco Giants AT&T Park 24 Willie Mays Plaza San Francisco, CA 94107 USA [us<!-- s[us --> 

Picture: <!-- m --><a class=http://pautographs.webs.com/apps/photos ... =157529728 Envelope: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/85 ... 91507.jpg/ Youtube: video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xhrHWshoYs0&feature=plcp Subscribe please <img src=

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フィードバック (5分毎に更新した):

Exciting Partnership Announcement: Spongebob Squarepants At Amc Theatres
Exciting Partnership Announcement: Spongebob Squarepants At Amc Theatres
Hi Everyone!
Nancy Kovack- Sweet Success!!
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Tommy Chong Actor Success
Eric Brewer Nhl Success (Prince George Cougars)
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Sallie Harmsen Fast Success!
Sid Bream Baseball $$$



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