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Sesame Streetの直筆サイン入り写真 (3 / 6ページ):

Sonia Manzano (original "Sesame Street" cast) SUCCESS!! - 2013年10月22日
On 10/8/13, I wrote Sonia Manzano, who portrays "Maria" from the original cast of "Sesame Street." with a TTM autograph request that included an SSAE and a single 3x5 card for signing. Got her reply today, 10/22/13, in the form of a color 8x10 of almost all of the original cast, and it was signed "To Pat: Have a great day......Keep Watching! Sonia." Her address is in the fanmail.biz database, and is below. Sonia Manzano c/o Sesame Workshop One Lincoln Plaza NYC, NY 10023

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elmo succes (Sesame Street) - 2013年6月11日
hello i send a letter to Elmo one lincoln plaza new york, NY 10023 usa and receive a great postcard signed. photo: - received june 2013. Dont remember now when i send, sorry, around february. thanks fanmail !!!!!!

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Sesame Street - 2013年4月4日
I emailed the people at Sesame Street and told them how much my daughter loves Elmo. They sent me this super cute picture signed by "Elmo" She loved it!! Emailed in mid march and took about 2 weeks to receive. -

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Sesame Street [Elmo] Success - 2013年2月23日
Sent December 2013 Received 23 February 2013 Return Address: - Picture + Envelope -

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Sesame Street Success - 2013年2月21日
I sent an email to Sesame Street asking if I could get an autograph from some of the characters and I received a photo signed by each character along with a letter. Sent email to http://www.sesameworkshop.org/contact-us.html Sent - Early January (Dont remember exact date) Received - 2/19/13 - - -

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