Sesame Streetの直筆サイン入り写真 (6 / 6ページ):
Caroll Spinney - Big Bird and Oscar from Sesame Street - 2012年4月27日 Sent: fan letter, 8x10 cast photo, SASE on March 26 and received on April 26 my signed cast photo and 2 additional 8x10s and piece of cardboard with drawing. The photos he included are the individual B&W of Big Bird and the 8x10 photo from Follow that Bird. I dont remember including the piece of cardboard but he sent one signed with a drawing of Big Bird. I am very happy with this success.
This was the address I used:
Caroll Spinney
Sesame Workshop
One Lincoln Plaza
New York, NY 10023
This is the photo he sent from Follow That Bird.
[img ... 21902a.jpg
This is the 1977 Sesame Street cast photo I sent (bought on eBay).
This is the individual 8x10 of Big Bird that he sent.
This is the drawing on the cardboard that he sent.
Here is the envelope. He didnt draw on it like he has for some but he did write his return address on it. |
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Sesame Street - 2011年10月13日 Sent Email request Sept 23, 2011 (To Sesame Workshop)
Recieved this photo Oct 08, 2011 ... 7264_o.jpg |  |
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Jerry Nelson - Sesame Street & Fraggle Rock - Success!!!!!!! - 2011年8月26日 (10) Autograph & Answered Q&A
Jerry Nelson (Floyd Pepper/Crazy Harry/Robin Frog/Lew Zealand/Count V. Count, Suffleupagus, ect.)
Mailed: 1/24/11 (3 - 8½x11) (6 Month Turnaround)
Returned: 7/27/11 Received One Picture Other Was Sent Received earlier(2/19/11)
Sent Three pics, recieved one back one month after sending which was most likely signed by the secretary. It was still nice because all the Sesame Street puppets names were signed but like I said you knew a secretary did it. Also got a letter saying the letter and other pictures would be passed on to Mr. Nelson. It had been six months so I had given up on hearing back from him. The in the mail there it was, I opened up the package and saw he had autographed one picture, scribbled on it, & answered my Q&A. Dont know what happen to the third pic that was sent and dont care. This was awesome enough. Score one for childhood memories. Thanks Jerry.
Sesame Workshop
One Lincoln Plaza
New York, NY 10023
By ###:// at 2011-08-25 |  |
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Sesame Street success - 2011年6月15日 This one is for my daughter, about a couple of weeks ago sent a request to the Sesame Workshop just google sesame street to find the link. I requested an autographed photo of the Cookie Monster and Zoe my daughters favorites and yesterday 6/14/11 received two signed 8x10 photos one of each both personalized. Really great success it made a two year olds day. Sorry I do not have a scanner that works yet |
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Leslie Carrara-Rudolph (Abby Cadabby-Sesame Street)SUCCESS!! - 2011年5月31日 Sent: About 4 Weeks Ago
Received: Today
Sesame Workshop
One Lincoln Plaza
New York, New York 10023
I sent just ONE 4x6 pic to Leslie Rudolph-Abby Cadabby on Sesame Street. I received: An Abby Cadabby shirt from Sea World, my picture signed, a sesame street promo pic signed, a letter from her, a postcard w/ a note on the back, Abby Cadabby bracelets to give to the kids in the class at the elementary school I volunteer at, and a new Sesame Street DVD to give to the class. Im shocked!
Picture of everything together: ... hs/022.jpg
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