Sophia Loren success -- 3 photographs - 2012年9月25日 Sophia Loren success
Sent June 2012 (Letter + 3 photographs + envelope return)
Received July 2012 (My 3 photos signed)
Address used
Case Postale 430
1211 Geneve 12
Sorry no english
Sophia Loren- success ! - 2012年9月3日 Hi,
sent a request, no photos, to her on the 19th July to:
Case Postale 430
1211 Geneve 12
Got to signed cards back on the 1st Sept:
Sophia Loren Success - 2012年7月20日 Sophia Loren
Case Postale 430
1211 Geneve 12
Sent: 2 pic, lor, sae, one irc 25.06.12
Receive: one pic sign and one unsign 20.07.12