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Sophia Lorenの直筆サイン入り写真 (26 / 29ページ):

Sophia Loren Success - 2012年6月12日
I think that Sophia Loren is the most beautiful woman on the planet I sent LOR, SAE, 3 photo. Received my photo signed in my SAE. Sent: 17 May 2012 Received: 12 June 2012 Address used: Sophia Loren Case Postale 430 1211 Geneve 12 Switzerland I still can't believe what is real. Comments about authenticity are welcome.

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Sophia Loren Success - 2012年6月9日
I sent LOR, SAE, photo and card. Received my photo and another photo signed in my SAE. Sent: 26 April 2012 Received: 09 June 2012 Address used: Sophia Loren Case Postale 430 1211 Geneve 12 Switzerland - - -

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Sophia Loren Success!!! - 2012年5月24日
Sent 4 photos, SAE, LOR and 2 IRCs (thinking I should have included 3 because the shipping back to me was over $6) on 4/24/12. Received today 5/23/12 all 4 photos signed (but not personalized). After not having any successes for a few weeks, I was getting anxious! http://img221.imageshack.us/img221/4043/imag01811.jpg http://img525.imageshack.us/img525/4007/imag01821.jpg http://img205.imageshack.us/img205/9628/imag01831.jpg http://img822.imageshack.us/img822/7013/imag01841b.jpg http://img37.imageshack.us/img37/9427/imag01801.jpg Used the addy in the data base. Sophia Loren Case Postale 430 1211 Geneve 12 Switzerland

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Sophia Loren Success - 2012年5月16日
Sent: 10.04.2012 - 2 photos, letter and SASE Return: 15.05.2012 - my 2 signed photos Sophia Loren Case Postale 430 1211 Geneve 12 Switzerland Love it! <img src= -

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Sophia Loren (Succcess) - 2012年5月11日
Hello, really happy to have it! Sent : 18 april 2012 Got back : 10 mai 2012 22 days! Sophia Loren Case Postale 430 1211 Geneve 12 Switzerland -

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