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St. Louis Cardinalsの直筆サイン入り写真 (10 / 13ページ):

Daniel Descalso - St. Louis Cardinals - Success - 2011年11月25日

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Tony La Russa SUCCESS!!! (St. Louis Cardinals) - 2011年11月5日
So completely happy about this success. I sent away a Cardinals baby helmet last Friday after the Card won the World Series to Hall of Fame bound manager Tony LaRussa, and I got it back yesterday signed! I sent the helmet, LOR, Sharpie and SASE to the Cardinals stadium address from the database. So happy with this success! Sent: 10/24/2011 Received: 11/4/2011 -

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Eli Marrero Success (St. Louis Cardinals) - 2011年10月22日
I sent former St. Louis Cardinals/Atlanta Braves catcher/outfielder and current coach of the Billings Mustangs a card, SASE, and letter on 8/16/11, and received the card back signed on 9/9/11! The address I used was: Eli Marrero c/o Billings Mustangs 2611 9th Avenue North Billings MT 59101 A scan of the envelope and card is available here:

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Tony LaRussa Success!! (St. Louis Cardinals) - 2011年10月14日
I sent a letter, SASE, and card to Tony La Russa on 9/8/2011 and received it back today (10-14-2011) signed with a blue felt tipped marker!! What I found very interesting is that it was post marked in Philadelphia, PA...meaning he signed/sent it from there while playing in the NLDS games!! Great success from one of the great managers in MLB history!! Sent to: Mr. Tony La Russa St. Louis Cardinals Busch Stadium 700 Clark Ave Saint Louis, MO 63102 picture here: http://img849.imageshack.us/img849/7926/tonylarussa.jpg

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Jake Westbrook (St. Louis Cardinals) SUCCESS!!! - 2011年10月4日
I completely lost hope of seeing any more of my Spring Training requests. But, I just received back my Jake Westbrook baseball. Very happy. Sent a LOR, SASE, Sharpie and my ball to the Spring Training address in Jupiter, Florida. Sent: 2/17/2011 Received: 10/3/2011 -

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