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St. Louis Cardinalsの直筆サイン入り写真 (8 / 13ページ):

Roger Wehrli (St. Louis Cardinals; 7X Pro Bowler) - 2013年3月1日
sent this former St Louis Cardinal and 7 X All Star a trading card plus a $15 money order on 2-21-13 and got it back yesterday, 2-28-13. Here's the addy I used: 204 Fox Haven Ct O Fallon, MO 63368-6596

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Tom Lawless... (St. Louis Cardinals) - 2013年1月20日
Tom Lawless, St. Louis Cardinals. Sent: 1/5/13… Rec: 1/15/13… 10 days!!! Sent LOR, Cards, SASE to: Tom Lawless 16619 Evergreen Forest Drive Ballwin, MO 63011 - Thanks so much Mr. Lawless and Fanmail.biz!!! <img src= <img src= <img src= <img src= <img src= <img src= 8)<!-- s8) -->  <!-- s<img src= --><img src= :razz:<!-- s:razz: -->  <!-- s<img src= --><img src= <img src= " title="Crying or Very sad" /> <img src= " title="Rolling Eyes" /> <img src= :neutral:<!-- s:neutral: -->  <!-- s<img src= --><img src= <img src= <img src= [us<!-- s[us --> 

``` Go Cards!! ```</td><tr><td style=

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Kerry Robinson (St. Louis Cardinals) - 2012年10月17日
I sent out (2) cards to former Outfielder from the Saint Louis Cardinals and local guy Kerry Robinson on September 17, 2012 and recieved both cards autographed on September 24, 2012. I did my own research and found where he works and sent my cards there. -

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Jason Motte(MLB) (St. Louis Cardinals) - 2012年7月29日
sent c/o St. Louis Cardinals returned in 17 days card - envelope -

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Derrick May - St. Louis Cardinals hitting coordinator - 2012年3月2日
Sent a card to Derrick May, who is a former MLB player and current hitting coordinator for St. Louis, to have signed Used the St. Louis Cardinals address Sent 3/31/11 Received 3/2/12 -

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フィードバック (5分毎に更新した):

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Cecil Fielder Baseball $$$



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