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Susan Lucciの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 6ページ):

Success: Susan Lucci - 2021年9月25日
SENT: 2/11/2020 RECEIVED: 6/1/2021 ADDRESS: 107 7TH ST GARDEN CITY NY 11530-5717 http://surfmypictures.com/image/0bb9105305e43899/0zr50.html Uploaded with http://surfmypictures.comsurfmypictures

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Ms. Susan Lucci All My Children Success!! - 2018年6月1日
Ms. Susan Lucci played as Erica Kane in All My Children from 1970-2011. On 12/05/2017 I mailed her a letter explaining how I find her acting in All My Children to be very inspiring to me, a birthday card wishing her a Happy Birthday for December 23, an SASE envelope to Ms. Susan Lucci c/o Susan Lucci Enterprise of New York, Inc. 107 7th Street Garden City, NY 11530-5717 (took about 7 months) On 6/01/2018 I received two picture of her with personalize messages. Here is the link:

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Susan Lucci Success - 2017年11月19日
I sent Susan Lucci an email with a LOR via her website a little while back http://susanlucci.com/cgi-bin/p/awtp-email-form.cgi?d=susanlucci.com and I received a personalized autographed photo

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Susan Lucci Success - 2016年12月14日
I sent Susan Lucci an email on her website http://susanlucci.com/ requesting an autograph Nov. 22, 2016 and I received This Picture dedicated Dec. 12, 2016. Such a great success... she is one of my favorite all time people! Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures

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Success: Susan Lucci - 2016年12月13日
Sent: 7/12/16 Received: 12/12/16 Address: Susan Lucci Enterprises of NY 107 7th St Garden City NY 11530-5717 Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures

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