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Susan Lucciの直筆サイン入り写真 (4 / 6ページ):

Susan Lucci Email Success - 2014年12月9日
Sent Email Out 11/15/14 Rec Today 12/9/14 Send Email To-

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Susan Lucci Email Success - 2014年12月9日
I sent an email to Susan Lucci at http://susanlucci.com/cgi-bin/p/awtp-em ... nlucci.com a month ago, and received a beautiful personalized photo in the mail today! <img src= - -

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Susan Lucci - Success - 2014年11月15日
On 11-4-14 I emailed "All My Children" superstar Ms. Susan Lucci at: http://susanlucci.com/cgi-bin/p/awtp-em ... nlucci.com Today I received a beautiful 6.75X9 black and white autographed photo, personalized to me in blue ink. The return address on the envelope is: 107 Seventh St. Garden City, NY 11530 Thank you very kindly Ms. Lucci. -

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Susan Lucci Non-Profit PP (Non)Success - 2013年3月23日
I sent an e-mail non-profit request through Susan Luccis website, to see if I could get something for our silent auction. Today, I received the below picture in the mail. Its nice, but Ive decided its a pre-print, as it resembles almost exactly other ones that have been posted. Bummer, as I doubt Ill be using it for the fundraiser. Sent via web: 3/02/3013 Received: 3/23/2013 - -

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Susan Lucci Success! - 2012年8月10日
I sent an email to Susan Lucci http://susanlucci.com/ a little over a month ago and today I received a signed and personalized picture from her. Sent: July 03, 2012- emailed Received: August 10, 2012- Received a signed and personalized picture - - Ive seen many preprint replies from her, but this is clearly not. Her signature matches the ones Im the preprints, so Im assuming this is authentic and not a sec. Opinions on authenticity are greatly welcome!

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