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Ted Whiteの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 2ページ):

Ted White Failure RIP - 2023年2月10日
I wrote to Mr.White on 10/08/2022 and I received a reply on 02/09/2023 Ted White 22656 Sylvan Street Woodland Hills, CA 91367 His wife replied letting my know that he had passed away on 10/14/2022 http://surfmypictures.com/image/b66ba631b65fffa2/xb1ug.html

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Ted White (Jason - Friday the 13th IV) GREATEST SUCCESS! - 2016年7月29日
Ted White He played Jason in Friday the 13th IV also was the double for John Wayne, Clark Gable, & many more leading men in Hollywood. Mailed: 7/18/16 (2) 5x7 10 Day Turnaround Received: 7/23/16 Saturday morning the my cell was ringing. A phone number from California. Obviously a telemarketer since I'm in NC. I silent the phone & roll over to go back to sleep. 1:00pm I'm watching a movie on TV when I see the same number pop up. I answer the phone to get rid of the person when I hear "Randy, this is Ted White. I'm calling you because you wrote to me & had asked me some questions in your letter". We chatted on the phone for about 15min. from anything from Andy Griffith to John Wayne. Was an amazing surprise. What surprised me was how honest & nice he was "Randy just to let you know I've been signing autographs for years & I've never called anyone. I'm 90yo now & my wife is sitting over here laughing at me. She didn't think I would call". Simply amazing. Received: 7/28/16 Autographed Both Pictures. Used address in the database. Even saved his number in my phone. I'll never call him but it's something neat to have. Thank you Mr. White, one of the absolute best success EVER!!!!!

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Ted White Success! - 2016年4月23日
Sent a LOR, a 5x7 photo, and a SASE to Ted White, who played Jason in Friday the 13th Part 4, and received my photo back signed today!! Sent: 4/15/2016 Received: 4/23/2016 Address I used: Ted White 22656 Sylvan St. Woodland Hills, CA 91367

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Got a Success From Ted White!!!! - 2015年12月23日
Sent my Item to ted white through the Stuntman Angency, Took about 3-4 months but was returned and signed, AWESOME GUY.

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Ted White (Jason Voorhees fri 13th part 4) success - 2014年7月10日
Sent SASE and photo on June 30th 2014. Returned July 10 2014 signed address used Ted White 22656 Sylvan street woodland hills, CA 91367 you can view my picture on twitter at cavewv

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