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Ted Whiteの直筆サイン入り写真 (2 / 2ページ):

Ted White Success - 2013年9月6日
I sent a LOR, SASE, and small photo to Ted White on 8/21, and today I received my picture back signed. Awesome! Address used: Ted White 22656 Sylvan St. Woodland Hills, CA 91367 -

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Ted White Success!! Jason Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter - 2011年10月26日
I wrote to Ted White many moons ago and actually gave up on my Friday requests as i have not gotten anything in a long time of the 20 i sent. Ted played Jason in Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter. I am trying to get index cards for a Friday Matte project and this return was a surprise as it took forever. Sent- Well over a year ago i want to say i sent it in Jan. 2009 Received- Oct. 26th 2011 Address- I do not remember? i believe it was not the stuntman address. -

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Ted White, stuntman RTS - 2011年6月25日
Sent to address in database on June 14, 2011, returned on June 21, 2011. - Ive tried again using the forwarding address on the sticker. - Clark

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