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Tim Burtonの直筆サイン入り写真 (2 / 9ページ):

Hey there! I sent my copy of "The Meloncholy Death of Oyster Boy & Other Stories" to the fanmail address in the database on the 10th of June and I got my response back on the 18th of November. I had totally given up hope and I am so excited that I got this back. I sent a self addressed envelope (not stamped) and a really meaningful letter. Pictures below: - - -

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tim burton success - 2014年11月23日
I sent a letter to Mr. Burton on September 26th 2014 and i received a signed 4x6 picture on November 17th 2014. I used his fan mail address. Tim Burton Tim Burton Productions 8033 Sunset Blvd. Suite 7500 West Hollywood, CA 90046 USA

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Tim Burton success - 2014年11月13日
Sent letter, SASE, and a picture of Tim Burton on 23/09/14, and received my photo back today, 13/11/14 Very happy =) Address used: Tim Burton Tim Burton Productions 8033 Sunset Blvd. Suite 7500 West Hollywood, CA 90046 USA -

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Tim Burton (strange) Success =)!! - 2014年9月22日
Hey fellow collectors !! Can someone explain what happened with this one ? One month ago I received a Tim Burtons reply after a 3 years wait (a long wait I know...) Now comes the strange part... Last week I recived another reply from Tim Burton, the envelope wasnt mine neither the inclousured photo and the stamps!! However the letter arrived with my adress and the autograph was personalized with my name not others ! Some more details, the stamp on the left corner is from the "Tim Burton Productions" in Hollywood what makes me conclude it came from there... Still the stamp is british!! Does this usually happen? Dont get me wrong Im thrilled <img src= Photos: - -

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tim burton ;) - 2014年6月24日
took a while but i finally recieved the first autograph request i ever sent out Im so excited he wrote stay strong and its not a stamp like a lot of people get to bad he signed the inside of the dvd cover instead of the front but still very happy ! -

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