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Tom Daleyの直筆サイン入り写真 (3 / 6ページ):

Tom Daley Personalised Success - 2013年3月21日
sent lor, sase and 1 photo (17th december 2012) received my photo back personalised in my sase (21st march 2013) took 94 days used address in database photo: http://pautographs.webs.com/apps/photos ... =176515837

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Tom Daley success! - 2012年12月24日
Back in April I sent a request on Toms website http://www.tomdaley.tv/ for a signed picture, and about two months later I received one! Picture: - Address found on his website

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Tom Daley - Olympic Diver - Team GB - 2012年11月15日
Big fan of Tom Daley, great success for me. Regretting slightly not sending one of those 50 pence coins I have been sending to everyone else. Sent: LOR, SASE & 1 photo to the address in the database on September 13th Received: My photo signed and personalised + an additional postcard signed and personalised on November 15th (63 days). - -

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Tom Daley Team GB success! - 2012年10月15日
Sent an email via Toms website http://www.tomdaley.tv/ on 28th August recieved signed and personalised 4X6 photo on 13th Oct <img src= Photo: -

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Tom Daley e-mail success - 2012年10月1日
Sent: July 1, 2012 Received: October 1, 2012 Address: Official contact link via official website (http://www.tomdaley.tv) After a drought of four months without receiving anything (save for two pre-prints), I actually got a reply back. First e-mail success too. - The reason theres more stamps on the front -- I live in the U.S. instead of the UK. Comments on authenticity are welcome.

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フィードバック (5分毎に更新した):

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