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Tom Daleyの直筆サイン入り写真 (4 / 6ページ):

Tom Daley Success - 2012年7月25日
I emailed Tom through his website http://www.tomdaley.tv/contact/ on the 11/6/12 and received a personalised autograph on the 30/6/12. Here is my picture (: -

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Tom Daley Success - 2012年6月30日
Hi I sent an email through Toms website: http://www.tomdaley.tv/ on 11.6.12 & come on the 30.6.12. Took 19 days. <img src= So happy as I think he is a great diver. <img src= Picture: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/854/001ro.jpg/

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Tom Daley - 2012年6月12日
I sent him a message on his website on his birthday and he sent me an autograph back and I got it today. sent - 21st May 2012 received - 11th June 2012 took 22 days ^^ POSTCARD, BACK OF POSTCARD AND ENVELOPE

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Tom Daley Success - 2012年6月11日
[us<!-- s[us -->  email him through his website <!-- m --><a class=http://www.tomdaley.tv/ Got this today. -

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Tom Daley Personalised Success!!!! - 2012年4月17日
I sent a message to him using this website, http://www.tomdaley.tv/contact/, and i had completly forgotten that i had sent it and it came today! I am over the moon! I love Tom Daley! Picture- http://www.flickr.com/photos/mhairit/70 ... hotostream

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