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Tom Hanksの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 3ページ):

Tom Hanks not current correspondence address - 2024年6月8日
Not the current address for the actor Mr. Tom Hanks Tom Hanks The Playtone Company P.O. Box 7340 Santa Monica, CA 90406-7340 USA

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Tom Hanks RTS - 2024年6月7日
I sent a sase and image to Tom Hanks, but it got returned un signed. Here is the Address I used: Tom Hanks Playtone Company 9100 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 1000W Beverly Hills CA, 90212-3463 USA Here is the envelope I received:

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Tom Hanks Success and Updated Address - 2022年4月5日
I wrote to Mr Hanks 2 months ago and received a response today. I sent a DVD cover and a photo. Today, I received my DVD cover and photo signed. Address Used: Tom Hanks Playtone Company 9100 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 1000W Beverly Hills CA, 90212-3463 USA I know Mr Hanks is a huge celebrity, but the autographs look pretty real to me. I know it's not autopen, so I think it is either legit or a secretary. I received an authentic Pierce Brosnan autograph from the same address. The only thing keeping me from saying it's 100% real is that the envelope is stamped "Los Angeles" when I know he has been frequently traveling back and forth from Pittsburgh for a movie. I would love to hear thoughts on authenticity. Autographs: http://surfmypictures.com/image/3305749f6820ee26/nocro.html Envelope: http://surfmypictures.com/image/3305749f6820ee26/aep1l.html

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Tom Hanks RTS - 2022年2月11日
I wrote to Tom Hanks "42 west 1840 century park east suite 700 Los Angeles..." but my letter "return to sender no such number unable to forward

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Tom Hanks RTS - 2016年4月20日

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