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Tony Dungyの直筆サイン入り写真 (3 / 7ページ):

Tony Dungy Email Success!! - 2014年3月4日
In January 2014, I sent an email request for an autograph through the contact link on http://www.coachdungy.com. On March 3, 2014, I received a nice 8x10 autographed photo of Coach Dungy when from when he was head coach of the Indianapolis Colts. Return Address on Envelope" Dungy Family Foundation 16765 Fishhawk Boulevard #402 Lithia, Florida 33547 - Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures

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Tony Dungy Email Success! - 2014年1月18日
I am so happy about this one. I sent an email through his website: http://www.coachdungy.com/index.php/contact/ I sent the email probably sometime in late October or early November, and received this today, 1/18/14. -

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Tony Dungy Success!!! - 2014年1月16日
Sent an email to Tony Dungy on his website on 12/27/2013 and received an 8x10 signed photo on 01/16/2014. Tony Dungy Dungy Family Foundation, Inc. 16765 Fishhawk Blvd. Box 402 Lithia, FL 33547 USA Photo and Envelope: -

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Coach Tony Dungy email success!! - 2014年1月3日
Sent an email requesting an autograph on 12/12/2013 and received on 12/23/2013 and 8x10. Sent an email on his website http://www.dungyfamilyfoundation.org/ Photo and envelope: -

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Tony Dungy email success - 2013年12月18日
I sent an email to Tony Dungys foundation site about a month ago and just today, I received a large photograph signed by the former coach himself. It seems to be pretty legit too. The photo is down below. Enjoy! https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10200357375815906&set=a.4866478958739.1073741827.1800244003&type=3&theater - Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures

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