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Tony Dungyの直筆サイン入り写真 (6 / 7ページ):

Tony Dungy Success!!! After 171 Days - 2012年4月2日
I sent Tony Dungy a ROMLB on 10/14/2011 and received it today personalized to me with the SB XLI Champs inscription on it. I sent him a baseball due to the fact that I am an extreme baseball fan and also because he is a hometown hero here in Tampa. He was the one who built the team for Jon Gruden when the Bucs won the Superbowl in 02. He has done a lot for the Tampa Comunity and he was one of a handful that I really wanted in my collection. Thank you Mr. Dungy. -

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Tony Dungy e-mail success - 2012年1月1日
Sent an e-mail to former Indianapolis Colts head coach, Tony Dungy on 11/26/2011 and received an autographed picture of him on 12/27/2011. It was sent from his foundation and the address is visible on the envelope in the photo. The web site address: http://www.coachdungy.com/ http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/687/dungytony.jpg/

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Tony Dungy Success - 2011年11月25日
I sent an email to Mr. Dungy's official website on 8-10-2011 and received two authentically signed photographs (one for me, one for my mom). Cool success; a cool addition to my small but growing sports section of my collection. Photo: [iLike my page while you're there, too![/i

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Tony Dungy email Success - 2011年8月12日
Some time in July I sent an email through Tony Dungy's website at : On 8-11-11, I received an autographed Dungy 8x10.

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Tony Dungy Success!!!!!!! - 2011年8月11日
I sent Mr. Dungy an email through his foundation requesting an autograph on 7/26 recieved beautiffuly signed 8x10 today (8/11) in black sharpie. Sorry no scanner 16 day turnaround. Thanks again to Mr. Dungy

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