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Vera Lynnの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 2ページ):

Dame Vera Lynn Success - 2021年3月18日
I wrote to Dame Lynn on 03/13/2019 and received a reply on 03/17/2021 Sadly Dame Lynn passed away while these were lost in the mail. Dame Vera Margaret Lynn c/o D W Lewis 10 Clayton Road Ditchling Sussex BN6 8UY UK http://surfmypictures.com/photo/f00b1e81da8dc33f/ur3i3/IMG_20210317_0002.jpg http://surfmypictures.com/photo/f00b1e81da8dc33f/xrrae/IMG_20210317_0004.jpg http://surfmypictures.com/photo/f00b1e81da8dc33f/3x4rm/IMG_20210317_0005.jpg http://surfmypictures.com/photo/f00b1e81da8dc33f/uhdmq/Vera_Lynn.jpg

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Dame Vera Lynn Success - 2019年11月20日
Sent one 4x6, LOR, and SASE. Received it signed as well as a personal letter from Dame Vera. Send date: October 7, 2019 Receive date: November 20, 2019 Address: Dame Vera Lynn C/o DW Lewis 10 Clayton Rd. Ditchling Sussex BN6 8UY UK http://surfmypictures.com/image/97f6698e69904df3/ky3ov.html Uploaded with http://surfmypictures.comsurfmypictures http://surfmypictures.com/image/97f6698e69904df3/bxnvs.html Uploaded with http://surfmypictures.comsurfmypictures

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Dame Vera Lynn Success - 2018年9月8日
Sent 2 x 6x4 to Dame Vera Lynn, and received them today back signed. I used the address below. Dame Vera Lynn Children’s Charity Unit 1 The Courtyard Holmsted Farm Staplefield Road Cuckfield West Sussex RH17 5JF Photo available here - https://scontent-lhr3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/ ... e=5C2FC2BF

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Dame Vera Lynn Great Success - 2016年4月10日
Sent February 10th 2016 Received April 4th 2016 Used her charity address on this site. Sent a letter & Birthday card, 2 original sheet music and a SAE. Sent a letter and birthday card ready for her 99th Birthday. Also explained how my Grandfather served in the war in Burma and saw Vera perform over there. Received a personal letter back from her and she signed both my sheet music. An amazing woman ? Sorry didn't keep the envelope

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Dame Vera Lynn Success - 2016年2月20日
Got back a success from iconic British singer Dame Vera Lynn. She was known as The Forces' Sweetheart during WWII and had hits with songs like We'll Meet Again and White Cliffs of Dover She signed the photo I sent her and also sent me a personal letter which reference some of what I had written to her. Got it back in 34 days. Address and photo on my blog -> Dame Vera Lynn C/o DW Lewis 10 Clayton Rd. Ditchling Sussex BN6 8UY UK

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