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Vera Lynnの直筆サイン入り写真 (2 / 2ページ):

Vera Lynn - 2015年8月18日
About 6 weeks ago I sent a letter to Vera Lynn saying I enjoyed her autobiography. I used her address in Ditchling. Yesterday I received a signed and personalised picture also a typed letter which she signed!!! <img src= <img src=

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Dame Vera Lynn Success - 2015年2月19日
Sent a letter, SASE and picture to Dame Vera around the first week of January '15. Received back yesterday (18/02/15). Really pleased, amazing lady. Link to received picture on my site: http://carlscelebritysignedpics.blogspot.co.uk/2015/02/dame-vera-lynn-forces-sweetheart.html - (Admin, please do not change to surfmypics!) Link to envelope: http://imgur.com/AaTZZD4.jpg Add used: The Dame Vera Lynn Trust Ingfield Manor School Five Oaks Billingshurst West Sussex RH14 9AX

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Dame Vera Lynn W W 2 popular singer - 2015年2月18日
Dame Vera Lynn, DBE (born Vera Margaret Welch on 20 March 1917), widely known as "The Forces' Sweetheart" is an English singer, songwriter and actress whose musical recordings and performances were enormously popular during the Second World War. During the war she toured Egypt, India and Burma, giving outdoor concerts for the troops. The songs most associated with her are "We'll Meet Again", "The White Cliffs of Dover", "A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square" and "There'll Always Be an England". Sent her 2 pictures on 17 Jan and got them back signed on 18 Fab.. This is the address that I used but it is no longer listed in the data base.. perhaps it was forwarded to her.. She also sent a typed note on her stationary thanking me, that she also signed. I was so happy to get her autographed pictures.. My grandpa was stationed in England during the war and he would play her songs all the time at home.. Dame Vera Lynn Address Removed Remember she is 97, nearly 98

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Vera Lynn - 2015年1月16日
Sent photo to Vera Lynn just before Christmas. Got it back signed yesterday. Used her address in Ditchling. So happy! -

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