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Warwick Davisの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 3ページ):

Warwick Davis - 2019年10月22日
Hi all, Bought this autograph via his website. My autograph:

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Warwick Davis Succses! - 2018年4月24日
I ordered a 8x10 from Warwick Davis's website https://thesignatureshop.co.uk/ 4-17-18 and got it today by Royal Mail signed and personalized! received 4-24-18. Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures

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Warwick Davis Website/TTM (Paid) Success - 2013年3月21日
Ordered a photo of Warwick Davis on http://www.warwickdavis.co.uk a few weeks back. Received the photo of Leprechaun with movie quote on 3/20/13. - -

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Warwick Davis (Extra HP photo succes) - 2012年12月6日
Hi, Like i said in my last post about the Warwick Davis that i orderd a signed copy of Size Matters not and recieved a extra photo: [quote="Michelle15":I bought on 8/20/11 a signed copy of Size matters not. (http://www.warwickdavis.co.uk/) But after a year and 3 months waiting and never recieving any thing i wrote to the signature shop and got a message back that they wil send a signed book + a signed photograph to say sorry for the delay. On 11/29/12 i recieved my signed book & on 12/1/12 i recieved 2 photos (one from himself and 1 from the movie willow) + 2 cards all signed (& 2 flyers from Warwicks new app). Photos: Signed Book: http://memberfiles.freewebs.com/74/17/5 ... d/book.jpg Signed Photos: http://memberfiles.freewebs.com/74/17/5 ... photos.jpg Signed Cards: http://memberfiles.freewebs.com/74/17/5 ... /cards.jpg Flyers: http://memberfiles.freewebs.com/74/17/5 ... rtfall.jpg Envelope photos & Box Book: http://memberfiles.freewebs.com/74/17/5 ... ed/box.jpg[/quote: Today i recieved another photo this time a Harry Potter photo (+ another signed card): -

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Warwick Davis (Bought succes) - 2012年12月3日
I bought on 8/20/11 a signed copy of Size matters not. () But after a year and 3 months waiting and never recieving any thing i wrote to the signature shop and got a message back that they wil send a signed book + a signed photograph to say sorry for the delay. On 11/29/12 i recieved my signed book & on 12/1/12 i recieved 2 photos (one from himself and 1 from the movie willow) + 2 cards all signed (& 2 flyers from Warwick's new app). Photos: Signed Book: Signed Photos: Signed Cards: Flyers: Envelope photos & Box Book:

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