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Warwick Davisの直筆サイン入り写真 (2 / 3ページ):

Warwick Davis TTM GREAT SUCCESS - 2012年10月25日
Warwick Davis Paul Lyon-Maris c/o ICM Ltd. Oxford House 76 Oxford Street London W1N 0AX ENGLAND Sent?2photos SASE and LOR Receive?My photos in my SASE Has been heard his letters must spend money.. But I still tried several times to post a letter in the past. I cant believe he really give me a reply. But also wrote my Chinese name. Im so happy!!!!!!(???)/ -

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Warwick Davis - Harry Potter - Bought Success - 2012年10月15日
Warwick Davis who plays Professor Filius Flitwick and Griphook in the Harry Potter series. This is a bought success since he doesnt sign TTM and sells his autographs off of his site http://www.warwickdavis.co.uk/ paid $30 USD (£18) stinks that he doesnt sell any HP related photos i bought this around September 23rd. And it got here today 10/15/12 -

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Warwick Davis bought success!!! - 2012年10月12日
hello!! so about a month a go, i bought a picture for £15 on Warwicks main site http://www.warwickdavis.co.uk/ i got to choose what he puts on it but i couldnt think of anything so i just asked if he could put a message on it if he had the time. i received it today, it was a bit of a long wait but totally worth it <img src= heres the picture with envelope: - on its own: - enjoy!! <img src=

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Warwick Davis brought success. - 2012年9月5日
Hi I brought a picture off Warwicks website on the 21.8.12. Came on the 5.9.12. Took: 15 days. <img src= Heres the address of Warwick website: http://www.warwickdavis.co.uk Picture: -

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Warwick Davis Success!! - 2012年8月7日
On July 30th, 2012 I purchased a photo off of Warwick Davis's official website and today, August 7th, 2012 I received it signed and personalized! The photo can be seen on my website, here: Thanks! Emily

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