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Ashley Bensonの直筆サイン入り写真 (11 / 13ページ):

Ashley Benson amazing Success with Shay Mitchell - 2012年1月28日
Hi I am a massive fan of Pretty Little Liars and have been trying to collect the autographs of the cast for ages and in the last 2 days I have recieved a lot of things from them and this is one of my most favourite successes I have ever gotten. I sent Ashley a letter on the 27th of August 2011 and I have been seeing a lot of successes on this site that people had got from her who sent at the same time as me so I wondered whether mine had maybe got lost in the post or something as I hadnt gotten mine back and people who had sent after me had, also I sent it in a decorated envelope so I thought it would have stood out more. Anyway today (28th January 2012) I got a reply back from Ashley and I was so excited as I got Ian yesterday so my collection is growing, and I may have found out why mine took a bit longer. Along with some pictures of Ashley I sent her a photo of her and Shay Mitchell, I asked whether she could sign this photo and if I got it back I would then send it to Shay to see if she could sign it aswell, well Ashley did sign the photo for me, but she ALSO got Shay to sign it, I was so happy because it was such a huge suprise and it was such a nice thing for her to do <img src= I sent to the address for ashley on this site. Customised Envelope I sent: - SAE: - Autograph (her photo): - Autograph (my photo): - Autographed scrapbook page: - Shay and Ashley autograph: https://picasaweb.google.com/1149116079 ... 6278503650 Letter: https://picasaweb.google.com/1149116079 ... 6043646482

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Ashley Benson Success! - 2012年1月27日
I am a big fan of Pretty Little Liars so Im really happy to receive Ashleys autographs!! Sent a LOR, a photo, and a SAE. Received the photo signed, another photo that she provided, plus a letter. <img src= Sent to the database. Sent: 11/18/11 Received: 1/27/12 - - Sorry, no envelop.

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Ashley Benson Success! - 2012年1月27日
Sent: December 31, 2011 Received: January 26, 2012 Address: Ashley Benson 5753 -G Santa Ana Canyon Rd, #534 Anaheim Hills, CA 92807 I was overjoyed when I got this back today because I love the show Pretty Little Liars! I sent a LOR, SASE, & 3 pics. I received my 3 pics signed with a pic of her own and a note. Pics: http://www.flickr.com/photos/73327382 at N ... hotostream http://www.flickr.com/photos/73327382 at N ... otostream/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/73327382 at N ... otostream/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/73327382 at N ... otostream/ Envelope + Note: http://www.flickr.com/photos/73327382 at N ... otostream/ Comments Welcomed! <img src=

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Ashley Benson - 2012年1月26日
Hi everyone :yay: I am so excited about this success! I thought it would never come! I sent her a magazine to sign along with index cards and a SASE. I got back my SASE today, and in it was a photo ashley provided, my magazine signed and a letter saying that she appriciates all the mail she gets but cant sign all items. I am so excited! PLL is one of my favorite shows and I always look to hanna for style advice <img src= Sorry my scanner broke so Im going to get better quality pictures up as soon as possible. The address I used is AShley benson 5753-G E Santa Ana Canyon Rd #534 Anahcim Hills, Ca 92807 I sent it late august 2011 -

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ASHLEY BENSON SUCCESS!!!!!! - 2011年12月20日
I received a gorgeous autograph from Pretty Little Liars Ashley Benson!!! [ugotmail YAY!!!! I received 2 autographed photo, a letter and a copy of a story a magazine did of her. Such a sweetie!!! Sent: Letter,4-08-11 Received: 11-14-11 Address Used: Ashley Benson 5753-G E. Santa Ana Canyon Rd. Suite 534 Anaheim Hills, CA 92807 Address Received from: No return Address Photos: - - - -

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