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Ashley Bensonの直筆サイン入り写真 (6 / 13ページ):

ashley benson succesas - 2013年9月20日
sent to ashley letter and 8x10 sae not SASE received a 8x10 photo pre print lettr and a post card of saprings breakers signed great succes. address in her official site For a signed picture from Ashley: Please send a stamped self addressed large envelope (large enough to fit an 8×10 photograph) to: Ashley Benson Autograph 5753 -G Santa Ana Canyon Rd, #534 Anaheim Hills, CA 92807 Please also advise the name of the person the photograph should be signed to.

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Ashley Benson (Pretty Little Liars) Success!! - 2013年9月18日
On March 14th, 2013 I sent a LOR and SASE to Ashley Benson at the Anaheim Hills address in the database. On September 16th, 2013 I received a signed/personalized photo and standard letter from her in my SASE. Very happy with this success she is one of my favorite actresses!! <img src= <img src= Here is the photo (its kinda big so i linked it): - *Edited to add link to envelope: http://img28.imageshack.us/img28/5040/fnsp.jpg *

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Ashley Benson x2 Success! - 2013年8月8日
I sent a photo and SASE on November 23, 2012 to: Ashley Benson 5753-G E. Santa Ana Canyon Rd. Suite 534 Anaheim Hills, CA 92807 USA I got my photo back sign and personalized, her own photo signed and personalized and a standard letter. So excited about this success! My photo I sent: - Her photo she sent: - The standard letter: - Follow at nessiesautographs on Instagram

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Ashley Benson success! - 2013年4月6日
sent: lor, sase, 2 photo (November 2012) received: 3 photo (04.07.2013) Address: Ashley Benson 5753-G E. Santa Ana Canyon Rd. Suite 534 Anaheim Hills, CA 92807 USA -

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Ashley Benson Success !!! - 2013年4月2日
Hi ! -I wrote my letter on October 12th, and I received 1 april 2013 is approximately 170 days. -I have attached two photos and a coupon international reponse. picture one : - Picture 2 : - env : - I used this address: Ashley Benson 5753-G E. Santa Ana Canyon Rd. Suite 534 Anaheim Hills, CA 92807 USA

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