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Ashley Bensonの直筆サイン入り写真 (8 / 13ページ):

ASHLEY BENSON SUCCESS!!!! - 2013年1月17日
Its a great succes for me because I love PPL. Ashley its cool actress Sent: dont remember! between june and august 2012 LOR, 3 photos, SAE & 1 IRC. Recived 17 january 2013 my 3 photos signed and personalised. And a small letter to every fan. Adres used: Ashley Benson 5753-G E. Santa Ana Canyon Rd. Suite 534 Anaheim Hills, CA 92807 USA - - - -

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Ashley Benson (Pretty Little Liars) SUCCESS - 2012年10月4日
Adress used : Ashley Benson 5753-G E. Santa Ana Canyon Rd. Suite 534 Anaheim Hills, CA 92807 USA Sent: 04-06-2012 with 2 Pictures and Q&A Recieved : 10-04-2012 My Pictures , her own picture and a standart letter - -

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Ashley Benson Personalized Success! - 2012年9月23日
OMG, this was the best success ever. My first ever personalized autographs. I love Ashley Benson. Address: Ashley Benson 5753-G E. Santa Ana Canyon Rd. Suite 534 Anaheim Hills, CA 92807 USA Sent: LOR, SASE, and 8x10 picture. When: 7.16.12 Received: 9.22.12 What?: My picture signed, her own picture, and her letter. - - - -

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Ashley Benson Success! - 2012年9月22日
I was stoked to see my SASE from Ashley Benson in the mail today! I sent it in mid June of this year. I sent a LOR a SASE with a piece of cardboard and a picture. She sent me the usual letter and my picture signed in my SASE. Thank you Fanmail and Thank you Ashley! B.T.W. I used the Santa Ana Canyon address. Ashley Benson 5753-G E. Santa Ana Canyon Rd. Suite 534 Anaheim Hills, CA 92807 Picture: -

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Ashley Benson Personalized SUCCESS x4! :D - 2012年9月21日
Im very excited about this success because she is my most wanted! Sent: 3 photos and LOR on 6/14/12 Address Used: Ashley Benson 5753-G E. Santa Ana Canyon Rd. Suite 534 Anaheim Hills, CA 92807 USA Received: My 3 photos signed (2 personalized), 1 picture she sent, and a generic letter on 9/20/12 Days Taken: 3 months and 6 days Photo Ashley sent: http://shannnnensautos.webs.com/apps/ph ... =166390721 Photo: http://shannnnensautos.webs.com/apps/ph ... =166390722 Photo: http://shannnnensautos.webs.com/apps/ph ... =166390723 Photo: http://shannnnensautos.webs.com/apps/ph ... =166390724 Generic Letter: http://shannnnensautos.webs.com/apps/ph ... =166390725 Envelope: http://imageshack.us/a/img208/5404/ashl ... velope.jpg

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