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Barbara Edenの直筆サイン入り写真 (15 / 16ページ):

Barbara Eden - 2011年8月22日
Hi All, I sent a letter plus 2 photos and a DVD cover to Barbara Eden on the 28th of July this year and they all arrived back today signed the 23rd of August. Barbara is great with her fans. I used this address: Barbara Eden P.O. Box 6061-617 Sherman Oaks, CA 91413 USA Many thanks

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Barbara Eden "Jeannie" - Success - 2011年7月7日
Sent LOR, SASE and 2 pictures to Mrs Barbara Eden on 08/06/11. adress used: Barbara Eden PO Box 6061-617 Sherman Oaks CA 91413 USA On 07/07/2011 i received the pictures back signed. Both of them personalized. - - Envelope: -

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Barbara Eden success - 2011年6月14日
Very happy with this success - what a nice lady Miss Eden seems to be! Sent 31/5/11 LOR photo and SASE to address in database Received 14/6/11 signed, dedicated photo in my SASE Item and envelope: -

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Barbara Eden success - 2011年6月7日
5-14-11 Sent LOR, SASE and 8x10 to Barbara Eden. Received it signed on 6-7-11. I wasnt very happy with the picture I sent her, I accidentally sent the wrong one to the printer, but Im still happy overall with the success. Pic: - Envelope: -

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Barbara Eden - Jeannie Success :) - 2011年5月26日
SENT: 21 April 2011 LOR SSAE 2 x 8x10 RCVD: 23 May 2011 Both 8x10s autographed & dedicated (one was for my Mother!) in my ssae Address: Barbara Eden PO Box 6061-617 Sherman Oaks, CA 91413 Autographs: http://autographcollectorofoz.blogspot. ... -eden.html my ssae: http://img156.imageshack.us/i/013ks.jpg/ -

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フィードバック (5分毎に更新した):

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