Barbara Edenの直筆サイン入り写真 (13 / 16ページ):
Barbara Eden SUCCESS!! - 2012年5月26日 Barbara is probably best known as "Jeanie" from the great show "I Dream of Jeanie"
Sent - 5/8/2012-LOR, SASE
Recd - 5/24/2012-personalized 8x10 in my SASE
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Barbara Eden Success!! - 2012年5月3日 Sent 3/9/12 two 8X10s, LOR and SASE. Received today 5/2/12 both photos personalized and signed. After two failures in a row this was a nice success!
Barbara Eden
P.O. Box 6061-617
Sherman Oaks, CA 91413
Photo of photos and envelope:
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Barbara Eden success - 2012年2月11日 Today I received a success from Ms. Eden, and its weird timing because I am reading her auto biography that just came out
sent on Jan 27, 2012
received Feb 10th, 2012
sent: LOR, SASE
received: One inscribed photo in my SASE
address used
P.O. Box 6061-617
Sherman Oaks, CA 91413
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Barbara Eden Success - 2012年1月31日 Like everyone else says, Shes good to her fans.
My scanner has been down but i finally got them.
sent: 12/02/11
recd: 01/21/12
days: 50
address used:
Barbara Eden
P.O. Box 6061-617
Sherman Oaks, CA 91413
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Barbara Eden âJeanieâ - Success - 2012年1月6日 (8) Personalized Autos
Barbara Eden ÂJeanieÂ
Mailed: 11/2/11 (2 - 5x7) (17 Day Turnaround)
Received: 11/19/11 Personalized Both Pictures
Used Address in Database
By ###:// at 2011-12-28 |  |
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