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Barbara Edenの直筆サイン入り写真 (7 / 16ページ):

Barbara eden fail address no longer working - 2015年3月20日
Sent usual on 3-9-15, returned 3-19-15 with note from assistant saying to busy to sign thru the mail anymore can purchase at http://www.barbaraeden.net

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Barbara Eden letter of DOOM! - 2015年3月19日
Due to Barbara Eden's busy personal and professional schedule, she will no longer be able to accept autograph requests submitted to this address. Personally autographed photographs, posters and books can be obtained at . Accordingly, your item (s) are being returned in the envelope you provided. Please discontinue all future correspondence or requests to this mailing address. Thank you for your understanding. Barbara Eden's Administrative Assistant That's what the letter says --it is referring to her PO Box----Since she isn't reponding to requests at that address and wants requests discontinued there I wonder why they didn't say what address to use now? Ok, here is the part where everybody goes on at length about how happy they are that they got theirs already, so I will leave you to it.... go on

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Barbara Eden 2 x success - 2015年3月7日
On 02/01/2015 I sent in 2 large pictures : [us<!-- s[us --> 

Barbara Eden
P.O. Box 6061-617
Sherman Oaks CA 91413
USA <!-- s[us --><img src= --><img src= https://www.facebook.com/pages/Autogram ... 7897699576

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Barbara Eden Success! - 2015年3月3日
Hello, Used the Sherman Oaks address in database. Sent a 8 x 10 photo in a SASE on 28 Jan 15 and got it back 2 Mar 15 signed! Super excited! Thanks, James

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Barbara Eden Success x 2. - 2014年7月9日
Used the address in the database. Sent: 5/31/14. Received: 7/3/14

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