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Barbara Edenの直筆サイン入り写真 (5 / 16ページ):

Barbara Eden success - 2016年7月29日
Barbara Eden success Sent : 02/07/16 Received : 30/07/16 I sent a letter and a reply coupon to Mrs. Barbara Eden Barbara Eden P.O. Box 6061-617 Sherman Oaks, CA 91413 USA Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures

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Barbara Eden's address not current - 2016年7月26日
The address in the database for Barbara Eden is not current. My mail was returned: "Return to Sender - PO Box Closed". If anyone has an updated address for her, it would be appreciated. Thanks.

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Barbara Eden success!!! - 2016年4月8日
Since seeing many had luck before she stops signing TTM I had to try. Sent Barbara Eden a fan letter, SASE, and photo on 03/30/2016. Got it back signed and personalized on 04/07/2016. Also received the same letter others have got about her no longer accepting TTM requests. Used Beverly Hills address in database.

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Barbara Eden success - 2016年3月25日
Sent LOR, SASE, & 8x10 on 3.16.16. Received my picture back signed on 3.24.16. Also received the same letter as others stating she will no longer be signing from this address. Address: Barbara Eden 9816 Denbigh Drive Beverly Hills, CA 90210 Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures

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Barbara Eden Success...BUT.... - 2016年3月21日
Got 2 photos back from Barbara Eden today after only 2 weeks. I had met her when she filmed the movie Harper Valley PTA in Ohio and then later in Atlantic City when she did the play Same Time Next Year. I think that was why she signed these BECAUSE there was also a note with stating she wasn't signing at this address anymore so not to use it. It is the Dengigh Drive in Beverly Hills address. I have read that others had just gotten RTS so wouldn't chance this address any more

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