Chicago Cubsの直筆サイン入り写真 (12 / 14ページ):
Ken Holtzman (MLB) success Chicago Cubs - 2011年10月13日 I wrote to Mr. Holtzmzn about a month and a half ago sending a card. I recieved the card signed today, 10-13-11.
256 Waterside Drive
Grover, MO 63040-1632
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Ryan Dempster (Chicago Cubs pitcher) SUCCESS! - 2011年9月21日 This has been a good week so far, 3 days in a row with a success! Today I got my Ryan Dempster card back signed, after about a month and a half. The Cubs are my favorite team, and although they are awful, Dempster has had a pretty good record over the last few years with the team and is a real good guy off the field too. I included a LOR, SASE, and a baseball card.
Sent: 8/8/11
Received: 9/21/11
I sent it to:
Wrigley Field
C/o Ryan Dempster
1060 W. Addison St
Chicago, IL 60613
Sorry no envelope |
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Ivan DeJesus Success!! (Chicago Cubs) - 2011年9月8日 I sent a letter, card, and SASE to Ivan DeJesus on 8/30/11 and received it today 9/8/11 signed with a blue felt tipped marker!!
He is currently the third base coach for the Chicago Cubs! Send while you can if you are looking for his autograph, this entire coaching staff is more than likely going to be broomed!
Sent to:
Mr. Ivan DeJesus
Chicago Cubs
Wrigley Field
1060 West Addison
Chicago, IL 60613
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Pat Listach Success!! (Chicago Cubs) - 2011年9月8日 I sent a letter, card, and SASE to Pat Listach on 8/30/11 and received it today 9/8/11 signed with a black felt tipped marker!!
Sent to:
Mr. Pat Listach
Chicago Cubs
Wrigley Field
1060 West Addison
Chicago, IL 60613
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Chicago Cubs TTM Fan Pack - 2011年8月28日 Chicago Cubs
Address used
Wrigley Field
1060 West Addison
Chicago, IL 60613-4397
Customized letter from Cubs ambassador
Pocket schedule
Cubs sticker
Billy Williams glossy card
Geovany Soto oversized card
MLB Team schedule book (little book with all teams schedules) |
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