Chicago Cubsの直筆サイン入り写真 (14 / 14ページ):
Chicago Cubs Hall of Famer Billy Williams ROMLB Success - 2011年6月13日 I sent lor,sase,and romlb to Chicago Cubs Billy William on 4-29-11.Received signed baseball back today with the HOF 87 inscription witch i asked for. I sent it to the baseball hof address in the database.No donation sent this was a free one gotta love it.Autograph came back perfect Billy Williams is the man.
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Dave Rader (Chicago Cubs) success - 2011年6月13日 Mailed to former Chicago Cubs catcher Dave Rader May 30, 2011 at 2660 Sunset Hills /
Escondido, CA 92025-7850. Included 1979 baseball card & SASE.
Rcv'd June 13, 2011 in my SASE (SASE had 10 JUN San Diego CA postmark) my signed baseball card. |
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Matt Spencer success!!(chicago Cubs prospect) - 2011年5月16日 I sent a letter, sase, and card to Mr. Matt Spencer who is a top prospect for the Chicago Cubs currently playing for the Tennessee Smokies witch is there AA affiliate and got my card back signed in black sharpie marker. Thanks Matt
sent- 5/10/11
received- 5/16/11
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Keith Moreland (Chicago Cubs) success - 2011年5月13日 Mailed to former Chicago Cubs outfielder Keith Moreland April 25, 2011 at c/o Chicago Cubs /
Wrigley Field / 1060 West Addison Street / Chicago, IL 60613-4397. Included 1984 baseball card & SASE.
Rcv'd May 13, 2011 in my SASE (SASE had 11 MAY Chicago IL postmark) my signed baseball card. |
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