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Chicago Cubsの直筆サイン入り写真 (13 / 14ページ):

Randy Bush Success (Chicago Cubs) - 2011年8月27日
On 8-20-11, I sent a LOR, SASE, and baseball card to Cubs Interim GM Randy Bush at : Randy Bush C/O Chicago Cubs Wrigley Field 1060 West Addison Chicago, IL 60613-4397 On 8-26-11, I received my card back autographed.

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Don Zimmer (Chicago Cubs) success - 2011年8月9日
sent a card, lor, and sase to the address in database on 7.29.11 and today received it back signed.

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Ryan Dempster (Chicago Cubs) Success - 2011年7月29日
Hi! I sent a LOR, 4x5 photo I got from a fan pack, and SASE to Cubs pitcher Ryan Dempster at the spring training address(no longer valid until next year). Sent: 2/23/11 Received: 7/28/11 I received my photo back signed and he also added his jersey number 46 along with his signature. Envelope came back opened and badly damaged, but luckily the photo didn't get lost or anything. Sorry, no scanner. :neutral:

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Keith Moreland Chicago Cubs success - 2011年7月1日
Really really pleased with this one. I sent this 8x10 on 6-24 and recieved it signed today 7-1. Fast return! Keiths a great guy and is wonderful on WGN. I used the Wrigley Field address which can be found in the database. -

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Ivan Dejesus Success (St. Louis Cardinals) Chicago Cubs - 2011年6月22日
I sent former St. Louis Cardinals shortstop and current Chicago Cubs coach Ivan Dejesus a card, letter, and SASE on 5/31/11 and received the card back autographed on 6/18/11! The address I used was: Ivan Dejesus c/o Chicago Cubs Wrigley Field 1060 West Addison Street Chicago, Illinois 60613-4397 - Note that I also sent him a card during Spring Training and did not receive it back.

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フィードバック (5分毎に更新した):

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Voice Actor H. Jon Benjamin Success
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