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Cleveland Indiansの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 13ページ):

Charles Nagy Success (Fmr. MLB Player, Cleveland Indians) - 2021年9月30日
Charles Nagy 505 Ford Avenue Solana Beach, CA 92075-1306

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Turner Ward Former MLB Cleveland Indians - 2021年6月5日
1 Card to Former Cleveland Indians outfielder Turner ward on 3-22-21 Returned 6-5-21 [u(UNSIGNED)[/u http://surfmypictures.com/image/abadc0271e9d7ad1/8mnuu.html Uploaded with http://surfmypictures.comsurfmypictures

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Alex Cole Former MLB Cleveland Indians - 2020年12月31日
Sent 2 Cards to Alex Cole Former Cleveland Indians Outfielder on 5-30-20 Returned 12-31-20 http://surfmypictures.com/image/66cfba1ab9978a8a/kc02o.html Uploaded with http://surfmypictures.comsurfmypictures

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Charles Nagy (Cleveland Indians) Success - 2020年5月30日
On 5/18/2020, I sent a LOR, SASE, and baseball card to Charles Nagy at : Charles Nagy 505 Ford Avenue Solana Beach, CA 92075 On 5/26/2020, I received my baseball card back autographed. http://surfmypictures.com/image/3249b07a7307c83c/fitv1.html

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Rick Manning MLB Success (Cleveland Indians) - 2020年3月4日
Sent LOR, SASE, TC to Rick Manning on 12/29/19. Got it back signed today. Rick Manning c/o Cleveland Indians 2401 Ontario Street Cleveland, OH 44115

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フィードバック (5分毎に更新した):

Eric Jacobson Semi Success
2024年12月 1日
Troy Afenir (Mlb Success)
Dusty Baker Baseball
Mary Louise Wilson Success
Scream Queen P.j. Soles, Success
Tony Hale Success
I Got A Response
Zoey Deutch (Success) (Until Jan 19, 2025)
Rod Allen (Mlb Success)
Deidre Hall Success



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