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Daniel Radcliffeの直筆サイン入り写真 (11 / 12ページ):

Daniel Radcliffe Success! - 2011年12月28日
Hi. I just got a autograph from Daniel Radcliffe. Address Used: Daniel Radcliffe Arg 4 Great Portland Street London W1W 8PA UK -

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Daniel Radcliffe via venue success!! - 2011年12月25日
Hi everyone! Im a huge fan of Daniel Radcliffe, and Ive tried to get his real autograph for a long time! He is my childhood hero, so to have his autograph would make my life complete! I tried the "Equus" address, but I never received an answer.. <img src= I decided to try the "How to succeed in business without really trying" address... (sent a SAE and a IRC) Since he only plays till January 1st, I almost gave up on the letter I sent, but guess what was in my mailbox on December 20th!!! <img src= A reply from D-Rad himself! I got the same picture as everybody else, but Im very happy with it! Sent: sometime in the first week in October 2011 Revived reply: 20th December 2011 Envelope: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/834/img041l.jpg/ Photo: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/534/img042f.jpg/ Thank you Dan! And thank you fanmail.biz <img src= -rewo3

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received autographed picture of daniel radcliffe today. used database address sent: 15 nov rvcd: 30 nov Daniel Radcliffe ARG 4 Great Portland Street London W1W 8PA UK sent 2 pictures but he took mine and sent 1 from his collection. http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/40 ... 001rw.jpg/

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Daniel Radcliffe Success. - 2011年8月26日
I wrote to the UK address some time in June. I got my reply yesterday, the 25th of August. So happy with my success! <img src= This is my signed picture of Daniel. <img src= - This is the envelope it came back in. -

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Daniel Radcliffe SUCCESS!!! - 2011年7月29日
Daniel Radcliffe sent me an autographed picture! Sent: June 5, 2011 Received: July 11, 2011 It looks like autopen but still... its an autograph!! <img src= - -

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