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Daniel Radcliffeの直筆サイン入り写真 (9 / 12ページ):

Daniel Radcliffe SUCCESS - 2012年5月15日
Send : letter , 16/4/2012 Rcvd : today , 1 hand signed photo of Daniel Radliffe address : Daniel Radcliffe ARG 4 Great Portland Street London W1W 8PA UK Photo : I´m very happy Please visit my website :

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Daniel Radcliffe Do not waste your time PP - 2012年5月9日
Do not waste your time with those nor your money to send demands of autographs. They answer only by PP !!!! They are very satisfied that we buy them movies or their place of cinema ! - FAN MAIL : Daniel Radcliffe ARG 4 Great Portland Street London W1W 8PA UK

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Daniel Radcliffe - Harry Potter - Success - 2012年5月7日
My life is complete! Well no not really. Lol. Today I received my 18th Harry Potter success from Harry Potter himself.. Daniel Radcliffe. Not sure which attempt this is a reply to as I’ve tried 3 diff times. Once in 2010, March 2012 and April 2012, all at diff address I’ve found. But most likely its the March/April 2012 attempt. I knew it was a pre-print autograph since thats what they are always. but then i started to move it around under the light and it looked like it was a pre-signed, but deep down I know its not. lol. doesnt bother me that much since i dont think autopens/pre-prints are all that bad .. i mean the celeb at one point in time had to sign a pad or paper to get the signature copied/scanned into the computer to be able to place the autograph onto the item/pic. Another thing I noticed on my envelope was that they just cut out my address from under my signature in my letter and taped that onto the envelope. you can see parts of my signature.. as well as they didnt write “dont not bend” so the pic/envelop got bent at one point in time.. but nothing that cant be straightened out by putting it under something for a while. - either way im happy with it Sent: March/April 2012 Received: May 7, 2012 Took: 1-2 months address most likely came from: ARG 4 Great Portland Street London W1W 8PA UK -

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Daniel Radcliffe Success - 2012年5月7日
Hi! Sent: LOR and SAE 10 April 2012 Received: Pre-printed photo 7 May 2012 Address used: Daniel Radcliffe ARG 4 Great Portland Street London W1W 8PA UK Autograph: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/80 ... graph.jpg/ Envelope: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/20 ... elope.jpg/

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Daniel Radcliffe & Thomas Brodie-Sangster Success 2 in 1 day - 2012年4月16日
hi everyone, sorry for not posting sooner but i have been very busy. but on a positive note i got 2 successes in 1 day. back in October i had sent a letter, self addressed envelope, and a photo to Thomas Sangster, (sorry but my printer was acting up so it is in Black & White) and back in December i did the same for MR. Daniel Radcliffe. and last Friday i got both back signed. one i think it autopen (Daniel Radcliffe)but i really dont care i was just happy to get something back i might be wrong and it could be real. i am still learning. the one for Thomas Sangster however is the real deal it is personally made out to me and he did include a indexcard with a note that read: "Sorry for the Late reply" here are the photos (i did NOT Include the index card sorry) i used the addresses in this data base. thanks again and sorry for the late post. you guys rock. <img src= - By ###://profile.imageshack.us/user/f4lseanjazz:f4lseanjazz at 2012-04-15 - By ###://profile.imageshack.us/user/f4lseanjazz:f4lseanjazz at 2012-04-15

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