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Dolly Partonの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 8ページ):

Dolly Parton RTS - Failure - 2024年8月29日
Sent 8-16-24 Returned 8-28-24 Sent to: Dolly Parton PO Box 150307, Nashville, Tennessee 37215 Reason for RTS: “VACANT”

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Dolly Parton success! - 2024年8月23日
I sent this photo and a SASE to Dolly 2 months ago and got it back today! I used this address: Ms. Dolly Parton PO Box 150307 Nashville, TN 37215 http://surfmypictures.com/image/069312f80f40edf6/w9x0s.html Uploaded with http://surfmypictures.comsurfmypictures

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Dolly Parton RTS - 2024年8月8日
[size=120Sent: July 8, 2024 Recieved: August 8, 2024 I wrote to her back in 2021 using a different address and got back a preprint I trashed and I saw that this address has been getting successes lately so I sent her 7 photos and an index card. Address: Dolly Parton P.O. Box 159159 Nashville, TN 37215 USA Scan: [/size

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Music - Dolly Parton Success - 2024年6月18日
Sent 8x10 to address below on 5/6/24 and received it back signed on 6/17/24. c/o Dolly Parton Management 2401 12th Ave S. Nashville, TN 37204

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Dolly Parton- SUCCESS!!!! - 2024年6月18日
Sent Ms. Parton an 8x10, LOR and SASE on 2 FEB 24. Received my photo back signed in black on 15 JUN 24. Address used: Ms. Dolly Parton PO Box 150307 Nashville, TN 37215 http://surfmypictures.com/image/905375604141b8cb/qgce0.html http://surfmypictures.com/image/905375604141b8cb/ja94o.html

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Hi Everyone!
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Mark Hirschbeck (Former Mlb Umpire) Success!



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