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Donald Trumpの直筆サイン入り写真 (6 / 6ページ):

Donald Trump Signed Book Success! (Found at Goodwill!!) - 2009年9月3日
So yesterday my family and I stopped by a local Goodwill store in my grandparent�s town and I was casually browsing the book section with my mom when a certain title caught my eye �TRUMP: Surviving at the Top� by Donald J. Trump with Charles Leerhsen. Being a somewhat fan of Trump I pulled it off the shelf and opened up the front cover and couldn�t believe my eyes! <img src= An authentic Autographed Copy signed by Donald himself! <img src= I looked at the price sticker and saw that it was only .99 cents! <img src= What a steal! There were some other Trump books there and I checked all those, but none of them were signed. Guess someone cleared out their collection and must have over-looked the autographed one. Under the dust jacket I discovered an embossed gold colored version of his signature which most authors have stamped on the front of their books during production and it matches up very well with the one inside. {thumb2}<!-- s{thumb2} --> 

Dust Jacket, Front Cover and Signed page:
<!-- m --><a class=http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j201/ ... d_Book.jpg Will definitely be making it a habit to check the book section on future visits!! <img src= RYAN J. 8)<!-- s8) --></td><tr><td style=

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